Get Involved

Join The AAGB

Anabantoid Association of Great Britain

Why join the AAGB?


  • Introductory Members pack with size guides, advice on setting up aquaria for Anabantoids, a guide to breeding Bettas, Gouramis and other Anabantoid species.
  • 4 newsletters a year.
  • Annual Spring Members Weekend.
  • Annual Autumn lecture and auction.

Membership Rules and Subscription Information


(a) Membership of the Association shall be granted to anyone on receipt of a completed application form accompanied by the appropriate subscription fee.

(b) Acceptance of membership of the Association shall constitute an agreement by the applicant to accept and comply with all parts of the rules.

(c) The types of membership of the Association shall be: –

(i) Individual adult membership. (16 years and over)

(ii) Family (any two members of a family at the same address).

(iii) Concessionary. Individual member over 65 years of age and those under 16

(iv) Overseas member.

(v) Honorary member.

This may be awarded to:-

* The President and Vice Presidents of the Association.

* Members of similar organisations (usually the editor) who will act as liaison members between such organisations and the Association.

* Prominent individuals whom the Committee considers are likely to further the aims of the Association by virtue of their interest, influence and position.

Honorary membership will be awarded by the Committee and shall be reviewed by the Committee during the annual committee meeting regarding the advisability of continuance.

(d) Membership subscriptions shall be reviewed at the AGM each year. Any revision of fees shall be operative from the 1st of the following month after when the AGM was held.

(e) Membership fees are payable annually from the month of initial subscription. Any member not renewing membership within 2 months of their renewal date shall be deemed lapsed and the name of the member shall be deleted from the mailing list of the Association. Should a lapsed member decide to renew membership within one month of deletion, membership may be reinstated, at the discretion of the Secretary, using the member’s original Association number. A reminder sent by the Secretary by post or email shall be deemed sufficient notice that membership subscriptions are due.

(f) All overseas membership (other than the U.K.) shall require an additional charge to assist with the cost of postage.

GDPR Compliance

The AAGB complies with GDPR requirements. Details are provided in the Adobe Acrobat file here —> Link to PDF for GDPR Compliance Details (Left-click and follow instructions – you will need Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer.

Subscription Rates for 2021

Please note that membership fees increased from 1 January 2011. This was our first increase in approximately 20 years and was necessary to keep up with today’s costs and to make sure the quality you receive from us is not compromised. With effect from January 1, 2011 these are :

Single £ 10.00
Family £ 15.00 (2 members at the same address)
Junior / OAP £ 5.00
Overseas* £ 15.00

* Please Note: In the case of Overseas memberships, copies of the AAGB newsletter “Labyrinth” are sent as PDF files. Where requested hard copies will be sent by Surface Mail.


Join The AAGB


Please follow instructions from either the ‘on-line’ membership form or by downloading either of the alternatives below.

‘On-line’ membership form (Adobe Acrobat) [ PDF ] (Left-click and follow instructions – you need to have Adobe Acrobat.

Alternative form (Microsoft Word) [ DOC ] (Please Right click and select ‘Save Target As..’ or ‘Save Link As’ ) – please save and then open the form to fill it out. You need to have Microsoft Word.

PayPal Payment


We have set up an account for those who wish to purchase AAGB memberships using Paypal payments

 Please refer to the table below and then select the type of membership you wish to purchase in the table.



Membership  Type Paypal Payment
Individual (UK and Ireland) – £10.00  


(Clicking on the above button will transfer you to a secure web site owned by PayPal, a leading internet payment processing company.) 

Family (UK and Ireland) – £15.00


(Clicking on the above button will transfer you to a secure web site owned by PayPal, a leading internet payment processing company.) 

Individual Overseas –  £15.00 


(Clicking on the above button will transfer you to a secure web site owned by PayPal, a leading internet payment processing company.) 

Junior / OAP –  £5.00 


(Clicking on the above button will transfer you to a secure web site owned by PayPal, a leading internet payment processing company.) 



Upcoming Events

2nd and 3rd nov - AAGB MEMBERS MEETING

2 Day Event –The 40th Members Weekend event.

Got A Question About Membership?

6 + 13 =

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